Rise of Olympus is more than just a fun, high-action and beautifully designed Greek Gods slot. It’s a tale of three brothers and depending on how you look at it, it could be a sibling rivalry epic or a story of divine unity. Keep reading to decide how this version of the story should end.
Greek Mythology is full of different Gods, all with their own traits, personalities and relationships. But in the beginning, there was Kronos, the God of Time, and King of the Titans, a destructive and all-devouring group of gods that ruled the Cosmos mercilessly.
Cronus fathered many children throughout his life, but there are three in particular that you may have heard of, they went by the names of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.
It was said that Cronus would be overthrown by his offspring. Unwilling to lose his crown as the King of the Titans to his children, just like he had done to his father before him. We don’t know about you, but we’re thinking that Cronus isn’t the most paternal of gods.
He would do anything to stop his dethroning from happening, but little did he know that Zeus had his own plan in mind...
Zeus concocted a clever and rather sneaky plan to overthrow Cronus’ horrible plot, all with the help of Poseidon and Hades to help him carry it out. And guess what? It worked.
Having now defeated their father and in turn the other titans, the three brothers were now left with a decision to make. Which one of them would take their father’s place and become ruler of the Greek Gods?
After bickering between themselves they decided to call a draw rather than fight for the role.
And with that Hades was sent to the Underworld to rule alongside his wife Persephone and his three-headed dog Cerberus. Poseidon would become God of the Sea, ruling the waves with his trident in hand. While Zeus took the throne of the Skies and became father to all gods. Some say he was destined to become King due to his powerful nature.
But is there an alternative ending to this tale?